Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Full Circle

Four years ago, I stood in a courtroom desperately trying to hold back the tears that were streaming down my cheeks.  I had just learned that my baby boy, the little guy that I had loved as my own for the past year, simply wasn't coming home.  No transition.  No goodbye.  It was just over.

If you had asked me four years ago where I thought I would be today, I can guarantee it wouldn't have been here.  Today, four years after my world was turned upside down, I stood in a courtroom and allowed the tears to fall.  Today, my tears weren't tears of sorrow or despair.  Today, my tears were tears of joy.  Today, my world was turned right-side up again as I became the legal forever mother of another amazing little boy.

Welcome to the family,
My Little Bug!

I sure hope you like me...
'Cause you're not going anywhere!  :-)


good+growing said...

Yayyyyyy! So happy for you!

Holly said...

Hi Bug! So nice to see your face!!

The Campbell's Journey said...

Whoop Whoop!! So Happy for BOTH of you!!

StarfishMom said...

Congrats friend! Do in' the happy dance!!

Kelly (Cainder) said...



Foster Mom - R said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Day!

Allison said...

Yay! Congratulations!! I know you're breathing a big sigh of relief. So exciting! Welcome to your forever home, Bug!

acceptance with joy said...

sweet!! he is cute!!!

Kelley said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is just precious!

Diane said...

Congratulations on this wonderful day!

Mandy said...

Your son is a handsome boy! Yay!

Teresa said...

I am SO overwhelmingly happy for you Tammy!!! Your son is beautiful! You two make up the perfect little family <3

MamaFoster said...

Worth every minute.

Attempting Agape said...


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