Sunday, June 5, 2011

Very Brave or Very Stupid...

Well, the Saturday Crew either got very brave or very stupid this weekend.  :-)  Christy decided to venture out in her brand new "I-am-No-Longer-a-Cool-Car-Driving-Mom" minivan with all four kiddos and join Heaven and me for our regular Saturday adventure.

This week's MEGA-sized Saturday Crew consisted of:
  • Me
  • Heaven
  • Christy
  • Buddy (6 years old)
  • Ka-Diva (6 years old)
  • Booger Bear (2 1/2 years old)
  • Banana (almost 4 months old)
  • Chunky Monkey (3 months old)
  • Pooper (7 weeks old)
  • Butterfly (7 weeks old)
  • and Kelly even joined us for an hour or so later in the day...
Yep...  That is correct!  Four babies under the age of 4 months old!!!

Things went surprisingly well.  Four hours, four babies, an afternoon of swimming, lunch, and hardly any crying!  (In fact, I think the majority of what little crying there was ended up being from the older kids!)  Christy says she is going to start bringing the babies over here more often because that was the quietest they've been in weeks.  I told her I don't understand, because they are almost always quiet when I'm there.  ;-)

The older kids had a blast swimming all afternoon and had even more fun when Kelly got there because he is apparently more fun than the women are right now.  (It's a little harder now that we have more babies needing more attention.)  We did still manage to swim long enough for the kids to get a little crispy and exhausted, surprise Buddy and Ka-Diva with a balloon pit that Booger insisted we build for them, and I got to hang out for a few minutes eating popscicles on the patio with my three "big kids."  I wish I had a picture of the four of us swinging on the patio swing with our popscicles.  Heck!  I wish I had more pictures from the day at all!  I would have loved to get a picture of all of the "grandkids" together for my parents.  It's the first time they were all together in one place!  It was a bit of a madhouse though.  ;-)

Blowing up balloons for the balloon pit surprise...

Banana getting her beauty sleep in the shade...

Banana thoroughly enjoying her berry bananas...
There's a reason Heaven doesn't bother with bibs.  ;-)

Chunky Monkey zonked out for a 2-hour nap after a long day...

The afternoon turned out really well!  Although, we did discover one slightly disturbing fact as the afternoon progressed...  Christy busted out laughing about an hour into the afternoon with the comment "Do you two realize how many times we've said the word "poop?!?"  ;-)  With four babies and a potty-training 2-year-old, the words "poop," "poopy," "pooped," and "pooping" seemed to be rather dominant in the conversation.  In fact, I believe the word "pooper-nuggets" even escaped my lips at one point.  I guess that's just one of the occupational hazards of being a mommy...  ;-)

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