Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Little "Contest" of Sorts

I should be "official" with the new agency today (barring anyone having stolen my identity and committing horrible crimes).  So...  I thought it would be fun to have a little "contest" of sorts...  Winner gets nothing but bragging rights, but it'll be fun to guess.  :-)

             "Guess the Placement"

We all know that when it comes to foster care, what we ask for isn't always what we get as far as potential placement calls go.  We might say something along the lines of "one female only under the age of 5," and the first call you get is for a "sibling group of five boys ages 6,8,10,12, and 16."  So I thought we'd have a little fun.

I have asked my new agency that we start with one child under the age of two right now.  I've also mentioned that my absolute dream placement would be a baby girl between 4-9 months old, but that as long as it's one child under the age of two, I'm all good.

So...  Let's have some fun, shall we?  What do you think my very first potential placement call with the new agency will be knowing what you know about how these calls usually go?  Number of children?  Gender(s)?  Age(s) (in months for infants, years for over 2)?

Ready?  Set...  GO!!!  :-)


CandCFamily said...

A 3 year old boy. But I do hope it is a baby girl.

Phoenix said...

newborn boy

Cherub Mamma said...

Sibling set of a 3yo boy and a 5yo boy. You'll be told though that they are 1 and 4. You'll also be told that they've never been in Care. Upon meeting the children you'll find out that they are coming from another foster home that couldn't handle them. They won't speak much English – though I can't decide if this is because they are of a different culture or because of developmental delay/neglect. And while signing all the paperwork, because you're crazy enough to go through with it, the oldest will raid your fridge and dump milk all over the floor. And the littlest one, who you were told quite convincingly is potty trained, will pee all over the couch.

Kathy of the HavinsNest said...

3 year old boy who has a older sister in another home.

The Campbell's Journey said...

A 2 year old boy but could you please take one of his siblings too. Oh and when they show up...the transporter gets them out and says "they only speak spanish".

(Hehe...yep, just sharing one of my placements)

Unknown said...

3 year old boy and 9 month old girl... Since she's your dream placement, they'll be sure you'll want to go ahead and take the sibling set :)

Anonymous said...

7 year old twin boys.

Julie said...

2 Siblings... 6 month old girl and 22 month old girl :) I guess I always had it sort of easy. I would think to myself... Such and such age would be perfect. My agency would only know 0 to 5 yrs and 95% of the time I would get my "dream" placement ;)

MamaFoster said...

2 1/2 yr old girl

Diane said...

3 month old boy and 2 year old girl. They "can" place just one, your choice, but then guilt you into taking both since you have room.

Julie said...

My guess would be a teen mom with a newborn baby. That was my first call and I don't take teens or babies.

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