Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Time Change

Um, yeah...  Gotta say I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about the whole "Fall Back" thing as I usually am.  I am firmly convinced that Mr. Franklin was not taking into account people with children when he came up with his brilliant idea to change the time in order to take advantage of the light.  Thanks a lot, Mr. Franklin!  Now it seems I will be waking up at 4:30am thanks to you!

Yep...  My kid is nothing if not predictable.  His internal alarm clock is so completely punctual that I don't ever have to set my own alarm anymore.  Unfortunately, his "alarm" tells him that he absolutely must be in his crib and sound asleep by 7:00pm at the very latest, and wake up at 5:30am on the dot.  Too bad Mama is a night owl and most definitely NOT a morning person.  I can't even begin to describe the dread that I have over the nightmare that is about to take place tonight and over the next week while I attempt to get Monkey on a schedule that we can both live with.

I see 4:30am playtimes in my immediate future...  and that's just not cool.

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