Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What Does a Full Day of CPS-Related Appts Do to a 4-Month-Old?

After guest posting about the Never-Ending Foster Care Appointments over at Foster2Forever, Monkey and I had one of those crazy appointment-filled days today.

8:00am - 10:00am : Visitation with parents (they were no-shows)
10:00am : Home visit from the Invisible CPS Caseworker and my Family Specialist (aka. "Nice Lady")
10:45am : Quarterly Inspection with Nice Lady after the Invisible CPS Caseworker left
11:30am : Monkey to daycare for a few hours so Mama could go grocery shopping in peace
2:00pm : Status review hearing...  I couldn't make it to the hearing because of our 2:30 appointment, so I am anxiously-awaiting news tomorrow from the Invisible CPS Caseworker and Monkey's attorney to see how it went.  Curious to find out if his parents showed up for that!
2:30pm : WIC appt.  I was pleasantly surprised!  Absolutely NO WAIT.  I didn't have to sit in the sticky chairs.  Only one other mother and her child in the waiting room.  And they increased what Monkey is qualified for, so now he gets about $200 of formula and baby food each month!  And the best part is that I don't have to go back until October, and I don't have to bring him with me next time!
3:00pm - 5:00pm : Went to my sister's to visit with her, my mom, Buddy, Ka-Diva, Pooper, and Butterfly.
5:30pm : FINALLY made it home!  The photo above is Monkey after I took the sleeping baby out of his carseat and moved him to his pack-n-play.  Poor baby didn't even stir...

(Note - Pretty certain this photo is okay because you can't see his face at all.  I hope so...  Because he is stinking cute! ;-)


FootPrints said...

poor little guy!!

DannieA said...

wow...that's a lot of appts. Kuddos to you! I mean I work in the school district so at this moment a full day of appts. wouldn't be bad in the summer, can't imagine that during the school year. Ack....(says the person trying to fost/adopt again lol)

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