Monday, May 2, 2011

Who Are You, and How Do You Know Her Name???

When I first started fostering, I never even dreamed about accidentally running into a member of one of my kiddos' bio families out in public.  That is, until the day I had taken my Immobile Munchkin on a walk around my apartment complex and a complete stranger called her by name!

My first instinct was to go all "Mama Bear" on the lady.  "Fight or Flight" mode kicked in, and I was prepared to protect that little girl by any means possible.  "Step away from the baby, lady!"  I kept my cool though, and waited to see how the situation played out. 

The woman didn't seem to really know her, and the Munchkin didn't seem to recognize the woman.  The lady just seemed genuinely concerned about the sweet baby in the hot pink body cast.  But who the heck was she, and how did she know my baby's name?!? 

That's when it finally occurred to me that the Munchkin's name was actually one that is commonly used as an endearment, and the woman just happened to choose that endearment when talking to her.  Kind of like, "Oh, Honey...  What happened to you?!?"  But "Honey" was the baby's given name... 

I kind of felt like a moron after being tempted to maul a complete stranger for speaking to my baby, but it did get me thinking...  What would I do if I did accidentally run into a member of one of my kiddos' bio families while running around town?  Fortunately, I was on really good terms with Angel and Booger's families, and Little Miss and Itty Bitty's family lived in another county so the chances of running into them were slim.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see what I do if the situation ever comes up.  I am perfectly capable of being nice...  But I can also go totally "Bipolar Girl" on anyone who appears to pose a threat to one of my kids.  :-)

What about you other foster/adopt parents out there?  Has it ever happened to you?

(Happy 3rd Birthday, Munchkin!!!)


Last Mom said...

I almost used that same bear photo for something today! Great minds...

FootPrints said...

HAHA HA HA HA this post is awesome and hilarious!!
i worry about that ALL THE TIME! I LIVE ON A FREAKIN island!! but it's never happened *knock on wood*

Andrea said...

Only once. I was at a festival and on the look out for Ladybug's mom and dad and heard "Hey that looks like Ladybug." I froze. Turned around and a small little black girl had said it. I said "this is Ladybug" I looked at her mom and realized it was another foster mom who had had Ladybug on respite. Her daughter recognized her first.

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